Powered by CyVerse
Partnerships with CyVerse for Centers, Institutes, and Large Projects

Through our Powered by CyVerse program, Centers, Institutes and collaborative awards can leverage CyVerse to provide their team with robust cyberinfrastructure and training:
Authentication system: Use secure single sign-on between your application and all CyVerse services.
Data store: Store, share and distribute large amounts of data across all platforms.
High-performance framework: Execute analyses seamlessly on High Performance Computing, commercial and local cloud resources, access to national HPC systems for science.
Data science collaboration tools: Teams of researchers can easily collaborate across their data, analyses, and data visualization tools.
API Access to CyVerse: Develop custom tools and applications that leverage CyVerse’s backend infrastructure and/or integrate you on premises and cloud resources with CyVerse for private data caches, compute resources, and user identity management.
Proven success: One in three proposals with CyVerse as a co-lead or partner was funded!
Services provided through Powered by CyVerse
Proposal development and scoping
Project design phase and prototyping cyber systems
Direct access to CyVerse staff for project support
Training and workforce development
Team science consulting and workshops
Data science capacity building for your researchers, broadening participation outreach programs, and special topics such as advanced machine learning applications.
Projects Powered by CyVerse

Environmental Data Science Innovation and Inclusion Lab (ESIIL)
NSF Funding: $20M
CyVerse plays role in new NSF center, Environmental Data Science Innovation and Inclusion Lab (ESIIL), that will advance, broaden and catalyze environmental data science. Read more...

NSF Funding: $20M
The Event Horizon Telescope Project (EHT) just released an image of a second black hole, named Sagitarrius-A*, which lies within our own Milky Way galaxy. Read on for how the international EHT team used CyVerse to make their latest data-driven discoveries. Read more...
NSF Funding: $5M
HydroGEN, a UArizona-led project leveraging CyVerse resources and funded by the National Science Foundation's Convergence Accelerator program, will allow researchers to build a national platform for hydrologic forecasting. Read more...

NSF Funding: $20M
CyVerse will provide computational infrastructure, data science and education to integrate the efforts of other partners of the NSF's new AI Institute for Resilient Agriculture. Read more...
State of Arizona, TRIF $500K
The Roots for Resilience graduate assistant-ship applies data management and open science to combating climate change across academic disciplines. Read more...
NSF Funding: $10M
The NSF-funded Jetstream system offers cloud-based, on-demand computing and data analysis resources to researchers in a number of fields.Read more...
Getting Started
To find out if Powered by CyVerse can help your proposal, project, center, or institute, email us.
Service Structure
Powered by CyVerse projects usually have a specific contract or sub-award to CyVerse. These will contain the specific details on the level of monetary support to Cyverse and description of services provided by CyVerse.
Using the Powered by CyVerse Logo
All Powered by CyVerse projects should include the Powered by CyVerse logo on their homepage. For information on using and downloading the Powered by CyVerse logo, please see Using Our Logo.