DNA Subway
A fun and easy-to-use interface for learning, teaching, and doing high-level genome analysis.

DNA Subway is an educational bioinformatics platform that bundles research-grade bioinformatics tools, high-performance computing, and databases into genomics workflows. With an easy-to-use interface, users can "ride" five different DNA Subway lines (workflows) to predict and annotate genes in up to 150kb of DNA (Red Line), identify homologs in sequenced genomes (Yellow Line), identify species using DNA barcodes and phylogenetic trees (Blue Line), examine RNA-Seq datasets for differential transcript abundance (Green Line), and analyze metabarcoding and eDNA samples using QIIME (Purple Line). Hop on and go places with your data!

Getting Started
Teach students (or learn yourself!) to analyze DNA using bioinformatics tools
Predict and annotate genes in up to 150,000 base pairs of DNA sequence (Red Line)
Prospect entire genomes for related genes and sequences (Yellow Line)
Determine sequence relationships, view phylogenetic trees, and analyze "DNA barcodes" (Blue Line)
Analyze RNA-Seq data for differential expression (GreenLine)
Analyze microbiome and eDNA using QIIME2 (Purple Line)
Key Features
Research-grade bioinformatics tools organized and presented as sequential, logical workflows (subway lines)
A friendly interface for learning to use the same open-source bioinformatics tools used by researchers
Use sample datasets and reference data, or upload your own collections
Companion site available with in-depth wet lab protocols and student barcoding projects (DNA Barcoding 101)