Subscribe to CyVerse

CyVerse Subscriptions

With one of our subscriptions, you can scale storage and compute resources to meet the scientific needs of your project, team, or class, from data upload to publication. With a subscription, there’s no need to maintain your own servers, pay for IT services, or worry about security and replication – we’ll take care of that for you. CyVerse’s hardware, software, and staff enable you to easily store, manage, share, and analyze large amounts of data. Data-only storage can be purchased in units of 1 TB of data storage for 365 days at $125.00. Click the "Choose Subscription" button below to select this option.

Tiers & Features

  Basic Regular Pro Commercial
Discovery Environment Yes Yes Yes Yes
Data Store Yes Yes Yes Yes
Webinar Access Yes Yes Yes Yes
Advanced Features & APIs - - Yes Yes
Access to GPU - - ** **
Data Storage Limit 5 GB 50 GB 3 TB 5 TB
Compute Units / Year* 200 1,000 20,000 200,000
Concurrent Jobs 1 2 4 8
Sharing Data & Apps None 100 Unlimited Unlimited
DOI for Data None 5 10 20
Workshop Seats 0 2 4 10
Support Email In App Chat† Screen Share Support Screen Share Support
Price / Year Free $200 $340 $2,000

Choose Subscription

Note: Clicking on "Choose Subscription" above will bring you a secure payment portal operated by Phoenix Bioinformatics, CyVerse's subscription processing partner.

* Compute units are normalized if jobs run on CPUs, GPUs, etc.; 1 Compute Unit equals 1 Core Hour on a CPU.
** For information on access to GPU, please contact
† In App Chat, available during core business hours: 8 AM to 6 PM Mountain Standard Time.
If you are interested in group rates, more resources, etc., please contact us at
To see your current usage stats, log in to the Discovery Environment dashboard.



No, you will not lose immediate access to any data or analyses if you do not subscribe. Your account will default to the Basic Tier data storage limits. If you are over the 5GB limit, you will not be able to add new data. If after 6 months you are still over your limit, your data may be moved to backup storage. After 12 months, your data will be deleted.

Yes, you can still access public data in the CyVerse Data Commons without a subscription.

Unfortunately, no. You will need to subscribe in order to receive DOIs for your data. Learn which tier is right for you by viewing tier features in the table above. Previously assigned DOIs will not be affected.


Yes! The user portal in CyVerse lets you link different emails and identity management systems so that your work in CyVerse moves with you, without interruption, as you grow in your career or change institutions.


CyVerse's support from the core awards from the National Science Foundation has ended. Normally, projects like CyVerse get support from NSF for 10 years; due to the resounding success of CyVerse, we received an additional 5 years of support. However, the final 5-year award has a funding ramp-down, and we have been working hard to cover the gap through a variety of means. While we will continue to pursue funding to support a base level of access for our users, we need to charge for people/projects that need and use more resources. Everyone at CyVerse has worked diligently over the past 15 years to provide users with the computational support and training to get research and instruction done, and now is your chance to help support us, for which we are deeply appreciative.


The letter below went out to all users in April 2022.

Hello CyVerse Community,

We have launched our subscription system. This step is part of our long-planned transition to financial stability so we can continue to provide a full data platform to meet all of your needs.
Our goal is to make as many resources freely available for people to use, while paying for our staff, equipment, training, etc. to keep CyVerse the essential computational resource researchers and educators have come to depend on. The purpose of this extended transition is to help you make sure you can continue to use CyVerse! You can see what resources you are currently using when you log into the Discovery Environment and determine if you will need a subscription in the future.
Of course, we don’t want to leave anyone behind and we value your feedback. Please use this survey or email us directly with your feedback as we strive to continue to meet your needs.
We appreciate your support and adoption of CyVerse and hope the value of our platform services remains evident as we make the transition to sustainability.

Our best wishes,
Eric Lyons (PI) and Team CyVerse

April 2022

Resources & Usage

You can easily access your current usage stats by logging in to the Discovery Environment dashboard. To help you manage your usage, the DE will also display badges as your data usage approaches your storage limit. The DE will display a blue info badge when usage hits 50% of your limit; a yellow warning badge when you are at 75% of capacity; and a red error badge when usage hits 100% of capacity.

From within the Discovery Environment Data view, you can only see individual file size, there is not a way to see the size of a folder at this time. You can use DataHog, one of the Featured Apps in the Discovery Environment, to learn more about the size of your files and folders to help you manage your storage. Instructions on how to use DataHog can be found here or watch this 1-min video on DataHog.

If you are over your limit, you will not be able to add new data (which may also affect running analyses that deposit new data into your account). If that happens, you can either delete data or subscribe to increase your data storage.


Yes, it will increase based on the subscription level. See the specific features of each Subscription Tier in the table above.


Unfortunately, no. Storage limits are the upper bound of what you can store, much like how other cloud data storage solutions work.


No, analyses do not count toward your data storage limit. The “My Analyses” view shows all the analyses (jobs) you have launched and their current status (submitted, running, completed, canceled or failed). You can see a summary view of all your analyses from the DE Home screen.


Once you exceed your storage limit, you will not be able to add any more data (which may also affect running analyses that deposit new data into your account). Please contact us about upgrading your subscription.

Discounts & Payment

Unfortunately, we are not able to pro-rate or refund partial subscriptions at this time. However, this may be a feature in the future.


Yes, please contact us.

Yes, CyVerse offers multi-year subscription options for 3 years and 5 years. Please contact us for more information.

Please contact us to discuss discounts for group, class, and institutional subscriptions.

Please contact us! We want to make sure that we can best support you and your students.

Groups, Teams & Teaching

Every member of a team or lab does not need a subscription; however, there are advantages to each collaborator having a subscription. Storage and analysis limits are currently enforced for individual accounts. If an individual holds all the data and runs all the analyses, that one person can buy a subscription. However, if all team members have subscriptions, then all members can make full use of all the features of their tier. Please feel free to contact us so we can work with you and your team to find a solution that works best for you.

Yes! Departments can purchase individual subscriptions on behalf of its members. Please contact us for details on how to do this for more than one person.

No. As a subscriber, you can share your data with your collaborators and since those data are in your account, it only counts against your storage and analyses limits.

Please contact us! We will work with you to make sure that you can teach your class without additional overhead.

You will continue to have access to all your data and analyses.

If you aren't sure, please contact us.

For More Help

Please contact us via our in-app support or email us.

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An Open Science Workspace for Collaborative Data-driven Discovery