About CyVerse

Vision: Transforming Science through Data-Driven Discovery

Mission: To design, deploy, and expand national Cyberinfrastructure for research, and to train scientists in its use.

CyVerse provides scientists with powerful platforms to handle huge datasets and complex analyses, thus enabling data-driven discovery. Our extensible platforms provide data storage, bioinformatics tools, data visualization, interactive analyses, cloud services, APIs, and more.

CyVerse was created in 2008 by the National Science Foundation and now supports over 125,000 researchers in 169 countries. CyVerse has appeared in more than 1,800 peer reviewed publications, stores over 46 PB of user data, trained over 46K researchers and instructors, and supports $255M in additional research funding by NSF. Led by the University of Arizona in partnership with the Texas Advanced Computing Center and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, CyVerse is a dynamic virtual organization that fulfills a broad mission to enable data-driven, collaborative research.

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What is Cyberinfrastructure?

Cyberinfrastructure (also known as CI or computational infrastructure) provides solutions to the challenges of large-scale computational science. Just as physical infrastructure, such as laboratories, makes it possible to collect data, the hardware, software, and people that comprise cyberinfrastructure make it possible to store, share, and analyze data. Using cyberinfrastructure, teams of researchers located anywhere in the world can attempt to answer questions that were previously unapproachable because the computational requirements were too large or too complex.

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CyVerse’s key products are:

  • The Discovery Environment (DE) and its extension VICE: Web-based platforms to integrate and run ANY app for data management, data analysis, data science, data visualization, data exploration, and data discovery
  • CACAO (Cloud Automation & Continuous Analysis Orchestration): On-demand cloud native services including container orchestration and multi-cloud templates
  • The Data Store and Data Commons: Secure, high-performance cloud storage from which you can seamlessly manage, share, analyze, and publish data
  • Science APIs: Giving you access to CyVerse’s backend infrastructure services for building custom projects and cyberinfrastructure
  • Enhanced security: Features available for sensitive and restricted data including ITAR and HIPAA regulatory compliance


CyVerse was originally created by the National Science Foundation in 2008 with the name iPlant Collaborative to serve US plant science communities. From its inception, iPlant quickly grew into a mature organization, providing powerful resources and offering scientific and technical support services to researchers nationally and internationally. In 2015, iPlant rebranded as CyVerse to emphasize an expanded mission to serve all life sciences, as our cyberinfrastructure is germane to all life sciences disciplines. By democratizing access to supercomputing capabilities, CyVerse provides a crucial resource to enable scientists to find solutions for the future.


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An Open Science Workspace for Collaborative Data-driven Discovery