New CyVerse Wiki Offers Improved Security and Teamwork Tools
We are in the process of migrating one of our collaboration spaces, our wiki, to a new, cloud-based wiki. This transition will provide better security and tools for teamwork.

All wiki spaces that have had activity in the past 12 months will be migrated to the new wiki and associated links will automatically redirect. Older, inactive spaces will be archived. If you have questions about the status of a particular space, contact before March 14, 2020.
FAQs About the CyVerse Wiki Migration
CyVerse has a wiki?
Yes, the wiki can be viewed at
I don't use the wiki, but I do use the Discovery Environment, Data Store, etc. – do I need to do anything?
You can ignore this message.
I have a personal space on the old wiki – what do I need to do?
If you have a personal space and would like it to be migrated, please contact us at
Which spaces will be migrated versus deprecated/archived?
Spaces that have regular, periodic activity within the last 12 months will be migrated. Spaces that have not been used for a period of months or years will be archived.
What if I want to access information from an archived/deprecated space in the future?
If you need to access information that was once on the wiki, please contact us at
Why are you moving the wiki?
We are moving to a cloud-based wiki to help keep the wiki more secure and to offer more tools and features for collaboration. More info on new features of the wiki can be found here.
My team's wiki space is bookmarked and occasionally updated – when will we have access to the new wiki?
We will be reaching out to all active users and space owners to guide you through the migration. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at