More Upgrades to the CyVerse Discovery Environment
May 5, 2021
Faster performance, more features, and greater functionality.

We hope you're enjoying the improvements in the Discovery Environment! Since the debut of the new DE interface in February, we've continued to add more features to improve your collaborative research experience.
So what are the new upgrades?
- You can now create new apps and edit private apps
- You can now move files and folders
- Tapis authentication now redirects to the DE
- You can share apps with your team (in the works: share data with your team!)
- See recent contacts when you share
VICE has improved, too:
- You can request access to VICE directly in the DE if you do not have it
- No need to authenticate a second time to use VICE
- Shorter hostnames mean clearer command prompts within VICE analyses
- VICE's new loading page provides more information on the state of your analysis
- Quickly access active VICE apps from a VICE tab under Notifications or by expanding the sidebar and looking under Analyses

A few other things:
- You can continue using the legacy DE until we sunset it on July 5
- See our DE FAQ to understand more about the improved DE
- Review the DE Platform Guide to familiarize yourself with the new look
Questions? Email us ( or message us using the in-app Help. We welcome your feedback.