CyVerse Training Lead Named 2020 Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow

Sara Roncero-Menendez/Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Jason Williams, CyVerse Training Lead and Assistant Director of External Collaborations of the DNA Learning Center (DNALC), has been named a 2020 Kavli Frontiers of Science fellow, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory announced this week.
Run by the National Academy of Sciences, Kavli Frontiers of Science symposium brings together outstanding young scientists to discuss exciting advances and opportunities, emphasizing communication of a wide range of contemporary science topics across the traditional disciplines.
“My work at the DNALC is all about training and educating people, whether they’re high school students, postdocs, or the public,” said Williams. As part CSHL’s unique program of hands-on genetics education, he has been involved in teaching bioinformatics, expanding DNALC programs in China, and has a leadership role in CyVerse, a National Science Foundation cyberinfrastructure project to benefit life science research. Williams is excited about a new initiative, researching how to integrate bioinformatics and data science into undergraduate curricula.
“The Kavli Frontiers of Science symposium is a unique opportunity to learn from colleagues and build collaborations that will advance the DNALC’s educational mission,” said Williams, who will take part in the 2020 U.S. Symposium on March 18th in Seattle, Washington. He joins other Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Kavli Frontiers of Science symposium alumni, including President and CEO Bruce Stillman, Professor David Jackson, Professor Rob Martienssen, and Professor Anthony Zador.