Webinar: Hit the Ground Running with SNP Calling for PopGen and Evolutionary Analyses



11 a.m. to noon, Sept. 11, 2020


Webinar Materials

Webinar Video-recording

Presentation Slides

GitHub link 

About the Webinar

The fields of population genetics (PopGen) and species evolution have especially benefitted from myriad advances in technology and computational methods of the 4th Industrial Revolution. In this kickoff to our Fall webinars, Jacob Landis of Cornell University's School of Integrative Plant Science will help you 'hit the ground running' for analyzing single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). He'll cover the basics of different SNP calling techniques, such as RADSeq, HybSeq, and genome resequencing, and then lead a quick tutorial on GATK, a frequently-used software package developed at the Broad Institute to analyze next-generation sequencing data. As a user-requested topic, this webinar is aimed at scientists who want to call SNPs for either PopGen or evolutionary analyses but just don't know where to begin. Join us to learn about some of the different techniques you can use to get a jumpstart on your SNP analyses.

What You'll Learn

  • A quick tour of different analyses available to analyze SNPs
  • What you need to know to get started analyzing SNPs
  • How to get started using the popular software package GATK

User Expertise Level

  • Intermediate

About the Presenter


Jacob Landis is a Lecturer at Cornell University's School of Integrative Plant Science and working out of the Specht Lab. He received his doctorate in Botany from University of Florida, Gainsville, and now focuses his research in Evolutionary Genomics on the genomic changes associated with adaptation in barley. Like most scientists, he is involved with several projects, including studying rice diversity in Surinam and floral development across monocots. 



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