Video Recording
Biological research depends increasingly upon computational analysis of large and complex datasets. This one-hour webinar provides a comprehensive look at CyVerse's platforms, tools, and services for large-scale data analysis. Learn how to get the most out of your new CyVerse account, including demos of the following elements of CyVerse cyberinfrastructure:
Discovery Environment: Simple web portal for managing data, analyses, and workflows. Complex bioinformatics applications can be run without knowing command line programming, and users can also integrate their own tools.
Data Store: Scalable, secure, and reliable storage for terabyte-scale data.
Atmosphere: One-click, on-demand cloud computing.
This webinar is intended for people who are new to using CyVerse services, but if you haven't used your CyVerse account in awhile and would like a refresher, you are also welcome to come!