CyVerse is proud to be able to provide resources – from streamlined HPC access to data storage to data management applications and more – to research projects in multiple departments across our home campus at the University of Arizona.
AgBase is a curated resource for functional analysis of agricultural plant and animal gene products including Gene Ontology annotations. All AgBase analyses are run using CyVerse compute resources, launched from their site via the Terrain API.
CoGe is a platform for performing Comparative Genomics research, providing an open-ended network of interconnected tools to manage, analyze, and visualize next-generation data. CoGe is hosted on CyVerse infrastructure.

The Event Horizon Telescope is an international collaboration capturing images of black holes using an Earth-sized telescope. All of their simulation data are stored in CyVerse.
HydroFrame is a national community hydrologic modeling framework for scientific discovery. The project uses software containers accessed and hosted through CyVerse.
iMicrobe offers an integrated and federated system that interconnects diverse microbiome data sets, tools, and community resources that can evolve with the scientific aims of the community. iMicrobe is Powered by CyVerse and requires CyVerse user authentication.
The iSamples Research Coordination Network (RCN) seeks to advance the use of innovative cyberinfrastructure to connect physical samples and sample collections across the Earth Sciences with digital data infrastructures to revolutionize their utility for science. The ultimate goal of this RCN is to dramatically improve the discovery, access, sharing, analysis, and curation of physical samples and the data generated by their study for the benefit of science and society. CyVerse users will be able to register samples and index their metadata through the CyVerse Data Store.
UArizona’s University Information Technology Services is testing NVIDIA's EGL Eye to forward large amounts of visual output from high-performance computing GPU nodes to other places, using CyVerse’s Tombstone cloud, which provides root control over the virtual machine, making for a great development environment.
PhytoOracle is a scalable, distributed workflow manager for analyzing high-throughput phenotyping data; while designed to process data from the UArizona Gantry, it can be adapted to work on data from other platforms. PhytoOracle processes data through CyVerse.
Planet Microbe is a federated resource to enable data discovery and open data sharing for historical and on-going oceanographic sequencing efforts, extending existing ontologies to provide a unique search interface for data discovery based on physiochemical parameters and features in these disparate datasets. Planet Microbe is a Powered by CyVerse project.
The Superfund Research Center at the University of Arizona uses an interdisciplinary approach to study hazardous waste issues in the U.S. Southwest (including the Arizona-Sonora border and Native Nations). The project stores, shares, and analyzes data through CyVerse.
The Transportation Energy Resources from Renewable Agriculture Phenotyping Reference Platform (TERRA-REF) aims to transform plant breeding by using remote sensing to quantify plant traits such as plant architecture, carbon uptake, tissue chemistry, water use, and other features to predict the yield potential and stress resistance of 400+ diverse sorghum lines. TERRA-REF analyzes data in CyVerse.
Arizona Knowledge Map
This project integrates high-performance computing data into Knowledge Map (KMAP) using CyVerse's Tombstone cloud to unpack the high-performance computing mySQL database as a test to determine what parts need to go into KMAP, as well as how to accomplish integration.
USDA ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Station Southwest Watershed Research Center (SWRC) studies range from understanding, describing and modeling hydrologic processes to applications of technology at the field level. Projects at the Santa Rita Experimental Range and Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed are conducted in collaboration with CyVerse for data analysis.
Wild Cat Research and Conservation Center

The UArizona School of Natural Resources and the Environment’s Wild Cat Research and Conservation Center are assessing bobcat distribution in Tucson, genetic assessment of mountain lions in the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, and collaborating with international groups to help save tigers in India, along with many other local and international projects. They use CyVerse to store, share, and analyze data.
xDD is a scalable, dependable cyberinfrastructure to facilitate new approaches to the discovery, acquisition, utilization, and citation of data and knowledge in the published literature.