How to get the most from your data and compute resources!

Mountain Standard Time (Arizona time)
Webinar video-recording
About the webinar
CyVerse users enjoy Basic/free accounts, with UArizona students, faculty, and staff getting Pro accounts thanks to State of Arizona funding. So that you can make the most of your account, join us to learn what data and analyses resources CyVerse's computational platforms offer for your research, learning and teaching. Presenters Michele Cosi and Jeff Gillan are old hands at teaching and training how to use the platform in an easy-to-digest way, and will walk you through the dashboard and graphical user interfaces so that you can get started using CyVerse today!
What you'll learn
- how to get an account
- how to use the dashboard to manage your resources
- key platform features for data storage, data management, running apps/analysis, sharing/Teams, and support
- other resources for learning how to do computational data science using CyVerse
About the presenters

UArizona's Data Science Institute. His experience and expertise in teaching and training researchers and students in data science tools and practices include serving as an instructor of CyVerse Foundational Open Science Skills (, at CompBio Asia, and UA Data Lab workshops. His research interests are in genomics and phenomics, with a focus on workflow development, automation and data extraction.
Michele Cosi is a Research Data Scientist at the
Jeff Gillan is also a Research Data Scientist for the UArizona's Data Science Institute, where he offers workshops on geospatial data analysis and drone data management, as well as teaching the FOSS workshops. Jeff's expertise is in developing aerial photography and machine learning processing pipelines on high computation cloud resources such Jetstream2. He arrived at CyVerse in 2022 where his role was to expand the knowledge-base and accessibility of drone imagery tools while promoting the principles of open science.